Dental Discount Card

How Having A Dental Discount Card Can Save You A Lot Of Money At The Dentist

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Having a dental discount card is an excellent way to save money on everyday dental care. Many companies that offer discount dental plans will issue their members a discount card that they may use when they visit a participating provider. This can result in getting very cheap dental work done by a quality dental professional. In many cases these individuals can save between 10-60% on dental care.

Discount dental plans are often confused for insurance, but they’re not in any way. Actually, this is a good thing if you are someone that already suffers from a pre-existing condition. A condition is thought to be “pre-existing” if it’s a problem that you already had before you went to the dentist. Dental insurance does not provide immediate coverage on these conditions and may never pay for anything at all. Let’s take a brief look at the two different plans.

Dental Insurance

Insurance is something that you buy in order to provide financial protection in the event of an unforeseen event. This means that insurance is a great thing to have in place in the event that something unexpected happens, an accident where you got a broken tooth, etc. An insurance policy usually provides preventive dentistry such as cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments, etc in order to help prevent major and more costly problems in the future.

With dental insurance you’ll also have to pay a monthly premium and you’ll be responsible for a co-pay every time you see your dentist. Also, these policies do not cover orthodontic braces. You must buy a separate policy for for orthodontics and you’ll have a maximum coverage benefit in the range of 50% at best.

Dental Discount Plans

Since these plans are not insurance you can be seen right away for practically any pre-existing condition you may already have. In most cases you’ll only pay a low annual or monthly fee for membership and you’ll receive substantial discounts on things like braces, dentures, root canals, cleanings, x-rays and much more. All you need to do is see a participating dental provider, show them your dental discount card at the time of your visit and pay for the services rendered.

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